It has come to my attention that not all of the newsletter made to your email inbox. Unless you clicked "view the entire message" at the end of the main column, you would not have gotten the end of the right sidebar. I guess the newsletter is getting too big.
Here is the important information that was in that sidebar.
Kizirian School Supply Service Project
Don't forget to be at the Tuesday, 9/17 meeting to help in a service project to bring school supplies to the children of the Harry Kizirian School in Providence. We need many hands to make light work.
A Very Sad Note
Alan Goer, husband of Rotarian Wendy Marcus, passed away on September 12th. He was a good friend and will be missed. Many of us have fond memories with Alan and Wendy. Please keep them in your thoughts and prays.
Wendy passed the obituary to Holly and me, but we have a link to it.