Induction of The Virtus Group as a Corporate Member - Ken Cruise and Kyle Mushaweh
Club Announcements & Happy Bucks
Legends for Literacy Gala Update
Service Project - School Supplies for Kizirian School
Rotary Four Way Test
Last Meeting's Report
Meeting Date: September 10, 2024
Reporter: Lew Hassell
Pledge of Allegiance
Led by George Babcock
Mary Cullen said that as a longtime teacher and administrator in the Providence School System she is inspired by teachers.
Teachers wear many hats, put in tremendous hours and care deeply about the kids they teach. As the school year begins, think about the teachers that have impacted your lives and the lives of your family members and friends.
On Zoom
PF Fox, Lew Hassell, Ben Hadsell, Wendy Marcus
Dave Hamel
New Member Induction
Priya Banerjee has rejoined the club and was inducted by Pete Brock. She is a Board-certified forensic pathologist and was a guest speaker earlier this year.
Pete Brock encouraged all to get out and vote in those states that have primaries.
Art Norwalk – next week we will be assembling boxes of supplies for the Harry Kizirian Elementary School. We need your help.
Legends for Literacy Gala – Pete Brock announced the following Legends who have committed to attend: John Rooke, Tully Banta-Cain, Ilia Jarostchuk, Ronnie Lippett, Jim Hummell, Mark Binder, Kerry Taylor, Hayley & John Rocco, Scott McKay, Steve Nelson, Dante Scarnecchia, Arlene Violet, Jon Williams and Paul Williams.
Gala Sponsorships - Don Saracen noted that we have approximately $45K in sponsorships. Please get the word out and consider sponsoring.
Rotary After Dark – Kris David updated us on gatherings that took place at Liz Messier’s and Anthony Landi’s homes. The next event will be on September 23rd at Narragansett Brewery for the Monday trivia night. The committee is also considering a New Year’s Eve party and has booked Thursday, March 27th for a night of theater at the Barker Playhouse. The play is the musical Into The Woods.
Happy Bucks
Don Saracen is happy to be inspired by Mary’s inspiration.
Pete Brock is happy about an unlikely Pat’s win.
Kris David is happy about hearing from past President, Bryan Cook who sends his regards to everyone.
Lew Hassell was inspired by Mary Cullen’s inspiration and is happy to have a wife and son who are dedicated teachers in the Narragansett School system.
Priya Banerjee is happy about a recent trip to Portland, ME.
Art Norwark is happy to see four full tables at today’s meeting.
Walter Adamowicz is also happy to be inspired by Mary’s inspiration.
Bill Applegate is happy to see Wendy Marcus on zoom.
Emily is happy for a successful recent business trip.
Liz Messier is happy for a new roof and a newly painted home.
Wendy Marcus is happy to have Marco become a US citizen
Guest Speaker
Barbara Harris introduced Ilya Iskhakov, who is a landscape designer with the Providence Parks Department. He is a member of the team that designs and manages construction projects of over 120 parks and public spaces. In 2021, with the support of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Ilya led the creation of an urban meadow at the Providence Station. The project has earned him a Merit Award from the Rhode Island Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects.
Ilya has been practicing landscape design since 2004. Prior to relocating to Rhode Island in pursuit of his Master of Landscape Architecture degree from Rhode Island School of Design, Ilya lived and worked in New York City. An avid lover of the city, Ilya’s passions for plants, people, and culture amalgamated into a vision that would see nature intimately integrated into the urban fabric. In addition to his Landscape Architecture degree, Ilya holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Communications from Fashion Institute of Technology and a Certificate in Horticulture from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Ilya presented a slide show on the revitalization work he is spearheading in Providence. Specifically, the Station Park, years of organic mulch has led to weeds growing and choking out the plants. Anyone who is interested in volunteering to weed, please arrive on Wednesdays at 8:30AM.
Gala Sponsors
updated 9/15/24
MVP - $10,000+
Squantum Charitable Trust
Super Bowl Champion - $5,000
George & Petrina Babcock
Barry & Elaine Fain
Conference Champion - $2,500
Applegate Foundation
In-Balance Pro
Loescher Charitable Trust
Cap Willey
Virtus Group
Division Champion - $1,500
Venning/Dittmar, McNeil, Varone
Northeast Investment Group
Van Liew Trust Company
Harry & Nancy Hanolan
Game Sponsor - $500
Anthony Hollingshead
Art & Mary Norwalk
Bob Morse
Don & Cherie Saracen
Residential Properties
Bob & Kathleen Murphy
Mary & Rob Brewster
Pete & Emily Brock
Barbara Harris
Michael Durand
Paul Borrelli
Jane Berkowitz
Jan Feyler & Dr. John W. Hare
Please Contact one of the committee members if your name should be on this list to sponsor the Gala, or you know of an outside group that wants to sponsor.
Committee members are Don Saracen and Anthony Landi - co-chairs, Anthony Hollingshead, Art Norwalk, Barry Fain, Peter Loescher, Sharon Garland, and Susan Kearney.
Club Information
Tuesdays at 11:45 AM
Providence Marriott
1 Orms Street
Providence, RI 02904 United States of America
Lunch is served at 11:45 AM; meeting begins at noon.
Don't forget to be at the Tuesday, 9/17 meeting to help in a service project to bring school supplies to the children of the Harry Kizirian School in Providence. We need many hands to make light work.
A Very Sad Note
Alan Goer, husband of Rotarian Wendy Marcus, passed away on September 12th. He was a good friend and will be missed. Many of us have fond memories with Alan and Wendy. Please keep them in your thoughts and prays.
Wendy passed the obituary to Holly and me, but we have a link to it.