We are making a change to the format and timing of the newsletter. It will come out on monday morning before the Tuesday meeting with that day's meeting agenda. The meeting agenda will lead the notes of the previous meeting. We hope you will join us at the meetings,
This Meeting's Agenda
Last Meeting's Report
Meeting Date: June 9, 2024
Reporter: Dave Hamel
Pledge of allegiance
George Babcock led us
Mike Duran inspired us from 3 notables Quotations
Jim Roan : you are the sum of the 5 closest people to you
Marcus Aurialus : “no you don’t have 100 years to live, develop yourself”
Tertulian: “life is short do some good for someone”
George Babcock Trivia
Autocrat Coffee derived its name from a character in a book from Holmes.
President Pete Brock outlined topics to cover: Boards, Goals moving forward, Officers on record, and review active committee lists and committee officers
Rotary after Dusk
Liz Messier is hosting an event on July 18 at 5:30 pm. She has food, suggests a BYOB
Happy Bucks
Bill Applegate Just happy to give a $2
Barb Harris for visiting Barry Fane
Cap Willey for not being in 120 degree Vegas
Don Saracen for his 5 Grand children
Liz Messier for her home being spared by recent storm with only minor damage
Mike Kelley for his Grand Kids
Paul Borelli for 8 Grand kids and one going to Penn State
Kris David honored to present Gilchrist award
Anthony Hollingshead for Kris as past president and all her hard work
Pete Brock for the 300,000 miles racked up on his truck and passing 70yr marker
Mary Cullen to be back in RI
And sorry many others.
Assembly Meeting
Pete Retakes the Gavel:
Reviews list of active officers and succession order
Reviews list of Directors
Initiates open and lively discussion about the structure of meetings moving forward
Topics bridged:
Cleaning up and clarifying active committee lists, culling list where appropriate
Making space in the meeting for working time (hearing from committees and reports from committees on a rotating basis)
Look into improved technology to enhance remote participation (Emily Bernstein commits to lead the effort with Bill Applegate and Art Norwalk)
Bringing in new members with a buddy system with each Rotary member making an effort to bring in one new member in the coming year.
Keeping Literacy as a prime focus but leverage outside groups and augmenting their efforts under the Rotary name.
Please join a committee.
Club Information
Tuesdays at 11:45 AM
Providence Marriott
1 Orms Street
Providence, RI 02904 United States of America
Lunch is served at 11:45 AM; meeting begins at noon.