Historic Architecture in Providence
Mar 12, 2024
Ronald J. Onorato, Professor Emeritus
Historic Architecture in Providence

Ronald Onorato received his PH.D from Brown University, joining the Department of Art & Art History in 1977.  His research centers on the preservation and interpretation of American architecture and sculpture from the 18th century through late modernism. He has served as Senior Curator at several museums in California, Massachusetts and New York, Commissioner on the Rhode Island State Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission, chair of the National Register Review Board and is a member of The American Institute of Architects, ri (hon). His books include Outdoor Sculpture of Rhode Island (1999), Buildings of Rhode Island (2004) and AIA Guide to Newport Architecture (2007). He was one of the co-founders and first coordinators of the URI Center for the Humanities, Vice Chair of the URI Faculty Senate and chair of his department for twenty years. He is currently an architectural history and preservation consultant.