George Babcock led us in the pledge
Kris David provided a series of quotes from Rotary founder Paul Harris, all focused on the theme found in his 1914 speech “As an organization, we will be remembered by what we DO”. Kris drew on several Harris quotes from 1905-1945 that follow this theme
New Member Induction
Gabrielle “Gabby” Bello was introduced and officially accepted into the Rotary organization. Gabby is affiliated with Family Services of RI and was sponsored by Steve Hug.
Mary Brewster updated us on Tent Supper project
Several seats have opened up or been expanded please see Rob Black for Mar 21 dinner opportunities or Anthony Landi with 2 seats open as of the time of this meeting. A reminder, if using checks they should be made out to
Providence Rotary Charities foundation. The address is 24 Corless St, PO 41184 Providence 02940. Please include “tent dinners” in the memo
Kris announced that next week there will be a leap year celebration.
Happy Bucks
Pete Brock led the Happy Bucks.
Happy Bucks were donated by folks celebrating Mary’s art presentation, Holly and Bill’s Tent Dinner last week, Cap Willey’s Mom living to 100 and leaving loved ones with “thank you and good night”, and appreciation for spending time with new members.
Emily Introduces guest speaker Sean Kontos of Harvest Kitchen.
Sean is a native of Dover, NH who has been working in the food industry for 13 years after graduating from Johnson & Wales University with a degree in culinary arts in 2011. He went on to cook around Nantucket and then the seacoast of New Hampshire, focusing on local and sustainable cooking tied to whole animal butchery. Sean helped open Farm and Coast Market in South Dartmouth as a butcher and chef. Sean now works with Harvest Kitchen.
Sean spoke eloquently about Harvest Kitchen and its work with adjudicated youth and DCYF youth. The organization manages a co-packing facility to offer local farmers a value added option in marketing their goods, focusing on second tier produce that would otherwise go to waste. Harvest Kitchen now operates a café and corner store in Pawtucket, and employes the youth in everything from counter management to catering. Sean was kind enough to bring samples of the co packing facility produce.
In Memorium