President Pete Brock gave the pledge of allegiance.
Anthony Hollingshead reflected on the value of the Rotary organization and the ways that Rotary betters communities. Anthony reflected on a Dr. MLK Jr. speech that asks, “What are you doing for others?”
Jennifer Pesce is here from Atlanta.
Emily Bernstein: Coat drive is forthcoming. Stay tuned for more details.
Happy Bucks
Pete Brock donated as usual, reminding us that happiness is a choice and he is choosing to be happy. High-five to Zoom attendees. for making an effort to attend.
Bill Applegate is happy that he got down the icy hill safely.
Liz Messier is having fun working with Holly and Alex in Into the Woods.
Cap Willey is happy that his granddaughter is adjusting to London and having fun.
Art Norwalk is happy that he found a hearing aid battery.
Community Project
Holly Applegate explained her idea of today's project is to get personal cards into the hands of Veterans at the VA Hospital. She then passed out cards to each Rotarian to write a message. She will deliver them to the VA around Valentine's Day.
The project helped us fulfill Anthony's inspiration in an unique way.
Club Information
Tuesdays at 11:45 AM
Providence Marriott
1 Orms Street
Providence, RI 02904 United States of America
Lunch is served at 11:45 AM; meeting begins at noon.